Terms and conditions

1. Working hours 

Consulting sessions on basic plans will be attended from Monday to Friday between 7 am and 7 pm local time in El Salvador (GMT-6), advanced plans will be prioritized from Monday to Friday between 7 am and 7 pm local time in El Salvador and attended on weekend from Monday to Sunday by appointment previously agreed

The help desk or technical support services will be attended from Monday to Friday between 7 am and 7 pm local time in El Salvador (GMT-6) and between Monday to Sunday between 6 am and 10 pm for attention to critical failures

Requests outside these hours may be processed 1 business day after

2. Client commitments

  • Provide all relevant information that facilitates the provision of the service
  • Agree at least one weekly follow-up session to review inputs and progress, which will be limited to a maximum review time frame of 5 business days
  • Propose the dates for follow-up sessions at least three business days in advance
  • Provide technical information and access to systems required for the provision of the service

3. Scope of services

It will be documented through the service offer sent and a requirements document or work plan in the case of projects, additional works that are outside the scope of the service may be quoted as new elements subject to the approval of the client.

In case of delays in the delivery of information, technical limitations or situations of force majeure that prevent  being fulfilled on time the commitments defined in the service offer or work plan the parts, the deliveries may be postponed by mutual agreement.

4. Warranty

The development and configuration services executed by Core Power Consulting are delivered with a one-month guarantee of proper functioning, such guarantee is exempt from technical changes that may be made by the third-party tools and platforms used to provide the service and that may result in non-functioning or inadequate functioning of its solutions, Core Power Consulting cannot guarantee the uninterrupted and error-free service of its solution, nor be responsible for the non-availability of the service due to the aforementioned, being at the total risk of the client the use of the service.

By using the technological tools agreed in the remitted offer, the client is subject to the conditions and terms of the services established by the chosen service providers.

Modifications that the client himself or a third delegated by client do to the source code or configuration of his services  invalidate the guarantee of proper functioning.

5. Confidentiality

During the provision of the service -and after its completion- all the information provided by THE CLIENT, as well as the information provided by the CONSULTANT, will be considered a commercial secret and will be kept under strict confidentiality, both parties will refrain from disseminating such information except for the cases in which it is strictly necessary for their functions.

It will be the responsibility of the client to take the necessary measures to protect the confidential information that is generated with the use of the designated platforms and tools.

6. Termination of services

The client who at his discretion decides to terminate the agreed service contract, having previously requested the preparation and delivery of service begins will be subject to a charge of $150 in concept of project organization and the purchases made for the provision of the service at the time that the termination of the service is recognized, such value will be deducted from advancement payment made.

7. Changes to terms and conditions

We reserve the right to modify these terms at our discretion and without prior notice, any changes to these terms will be posted on the website https://corepower.consulting